International Seminar ‘Right plastic at right places’
March, 10-11 2021 in Pärnu, Estonia
Plastic is a vector for hazardous substances. The synthetically produced material consists of linear and branched molecular chains and is usually mixed with cocktails of additives. The additives may guarantee the desired functions of our everyday items, such as a high flexibility (softeners), UV protection (UV protectors) or the slowing down of flame propagation (flame retardants). The problem: additives and also residues from plastic production processes can leach out and can cause very negative effects on humans health and the environment.
Hence, the current debate on plastic waste is must be carried out in line with the issue of its containing hazardous substances!
For solving the plastic issue, regulating or banning the use of single-used plastics is an important step forward, but it is not enough. Indeed, the implementation of circular systems and economy is strongly required to solve the plastic crises and that can only be worked out with non-toxic solutions set as default.
We are inviting you to an international seminar to discuss the plastic crises with a strong emphasis on hazardous substances, and also in connection with climate change, current consumption patterns and other global challenges.
The aim of the event is to formulate new joint messages for future awareness raising campaigns that push circular thinking and non-toxic solutions stronger into the spotlight of private and professional decision makers.
Seminar contents:
• Plastic as a vector of hazardous substances – what substances are we talking about and why?
• Making the invisible visible – how to embed the issue of hazardous substances into current plastic awareness raising campaigns to encourage behaviour change
• Reaching out to different institutions – communication strategies for targeting NGOs, municipalities and decision makers
• The plastic issue does not stand alone – highlighting interconnections of the plastic problem with climate change and other global challenges
The event will take place in Estonia, Pärnu on March 10-11 2021.