Did your TV ever spontaneously combust? Neither did mine, and that’s because of another health and safety issue.

Endocrinoraptors – dinosaurs in the present
Faults in electronic equipment can easily start a fire because of components overheating or by creating electrical arcs. To prevent flammable plastics from catching fire, manufacturers add a specific group of additives called flame retardants. Among other things, these chemicals can often interfere with hormonal systems of humans and animals, potentially leading to a wide range of serious health issues.
Unfortunately, it’s not only the flame retardants causing electronic equipment to be toxic for us or for the environment. Electric cables need to bend easily, and they are so flexible due to other toxic additives like phthalates, which we know cause infertility or developmental issues. Usually there are also toxic metals present, the most famous of which are lead and hexavalent chromium.
Substances of very high concern, yet totally legal
These compounds can be replaced by safer alternatives and it’s you who can help us achieve that! Upon your request, suppliers have the obligation to provide you with information on these chemicals, collectively known as “Substances of very high concern” (SVHCs). All these substances are proven to be harmful either for humans or for the environment. They are not only present in electronics, but they can also be found in food containers, toys, sports equipment, clothes…
This is not a petition!
To tell suppliers you’re concerned about these chemicals, or to find out more about them, you can use the Scan4Chem app and just scan the barcode of a product. The app will then guide you to automatically send an information request to the supplier, who has to inform you if there is an SVHC present in the product.
This will not only allow you to choose safer products, but it will also remind suppliers of the power of consumers.
Download the app and send your requests. Use your consumer power and let companies know you care. Together we can make products safer!