Municipalities have many tools to promote environmentally smart actions. Due to its sheer volume, public procurement in municipalities has a significant role in achieving sustainable development. Additionally, public procurement has a potential effect on the reduction of chemical emissions in municipalities.
Guide for Chemical Smart Public Procurement is targeted at all municipal actors. Its purpose is to provide information, underline the necessity of political support as well as assist procurers and other relevant actors in understanding why public procurement is an important tool and how it can be used to reduce hazardous substance occurrence in the urban environment. This guide offers background information about the reasons why municipalities should reduce hazardous substances in public procurement and gives tips for communication and strategy development. In addition, it presents concrete substance reduction tools and demonstrates how to use them. These tools include market dialogue, pre-made chemical criteria, priority substance list and ecolabels.
Guide for Chemical Smart Public Procurement is produced by Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) as part of the NonHazCity project implementation.
Read the Guide here!