All you need to know about hazardous substances in daily life

and how to make safer choices


INTERREG BSR NonHazCity3 meets LIFE FitForREACH2: NonHazCity is in its last year […]
Imagine this: You wake up in the morning, brew your coffee, pour […]
Hormone-disrupting substances can be found in all sorts of products for children. […]

Check(ED) yourself:
Endocrine Disruptors (EDs) exposure analyzer

It all starts with awareness

We are all exposed to a variety of hazardous substances through everyday consumer goods. These are mainly man-made chemical substances whose specific properties make it difficult to predict the effects of long-term exposure on our health and the environment. Due to their widespread use, hazardous substances cannot, of course, be completely avoided, but each of us can do something to protect the environment and the health of ourselves and our loved ones. On this website you will find information about hazardous substances and tips on how to avoid them. Take care of yourself – think before you buy!


How to check your home for hazardous substances and live a toxic-free life

Our guidebook will lead you room by room through your house and will show you how to do that.