Everyday life in both home and office environments cannot be imagined without a wide range of chemical products and hazardous substances in everyday items. Only awareness raising and knowledge building may help us to better recognise chemicals around us and to decide whether they are safe for us and to avoid those that are not. These are one of the projects “NonHazCity2” goals. 

The project team of several partners around the Baltic sea has prepared a training material just for that purpose – a practical tool that in a convenient way will help you learn the basics about hazardous chemical substances, their sources and ways to avoid them while performing procurement. The training material consists of 5 modules that provide information on what are hazardous substances and how they escape from products and articles, explains their effects to our bodies and the environment, provides a short overview of the legal basis of chemicals management and helps the reader identify ways how to reduce, avoid or substitute articles, products or services that might contain hazardous substances. The training programme also contains a lot of practical examples from the municipalities.   

This e-learning course is designed for municipality procurement specialists, also specialists that make purchase decisions in subordinate institutions, e.g., schools, kindergartens, different offices etc. 

The training tool was created by: Audronė Alijošiutė-Paulauskienė, Ingrida Bremere, Daina Indriksone, Gražvydas Jegelevičius, Justė Kukučionė, Heli Nõmmsalu, Hannamaria Yliruus, Sigita Židonienė. 

You can find the tool here: 

·       English, Estonian Latvian, Lithuanian: https://training.nonhazcity.eu   

·       Finnish: https://www.ekotuki.fi/kemikaalikoulutus/  

·       Russian: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT3WgiGHiI1m1VSo6hhaHO8pai7PiZnP_   

Project “Capitalizing key elements of NonHazCity: empowering private and professional users for better risk management and use reduction of chemical products in their cities” (NonHazCity 2) #X006 is financed by the European Regional Development Fund.