Local focus substances

The issue of hazardous substances is very much related to processes that are relevant for most (industrialized) parts of the world since fluxes of goods and materials are global. Substances that are present in articles in one municipality are likely to be present in another. Still, each municipality may have its own challenges. These may be related to differences in local industrial activities and other site-specific sources. 

NonHazCity aimed at gaining new knowledge and evidence on hazardous substance occurrence in pilot municipalities participating in the project. Sampling and analyses were carried out in the wastewater and the aquatic environment of the pilot municipalities as well as in indoor dust from preschools; moreover, old and new preschool articles were analysed and, additionally, urine of volunteers of the household visited. The substances were back-tracked to urban sources and ranked according to their occurrence and level of concern. The findings of evidence were used for communication with the three stakeholder groups of the project: municipalities, businesses and private households.

The results and conclusions from analyses were published in a variety of reports and can be downloaded from the information material section of this website.