The NonHazCity Plastic Diet campaign ended on June 13 and the results are in! The social media campaign reached over half a million Europeans across 14 countries! 20 organisations from Estonia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Greece, France, Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Russia and Serbia hosted the campaign in their countries. More than 600 posts were shared in different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, VKontakte and Youtube during the campaign with the hashtag #nonhazplasticdiet.
The main message of the campaign was to raise awareness about the hidden threats of plastic to our health. It is important to know, that chemical additives in plastic items and articles can leach out over time harming you, those around you and the environment.
The campaign also aimed to make people think on how much plastic we actually use. Plastic really is everywhere and in many areas it is indispensable and cannot be substituted by other materials. However, in our everyday lives there are a lot of small steps we can take that reduce our exposure to plastic and its hazardous additives. We only need to be more aware of the choices we make and start new and better habits. Is it really necessary to wrap all of the food in our refrigerators in plastic film or are there more sustainable alternatives? Do our children really have to have a room full of plastic toys or are there healthier options?
We hope that the information and tips we shared during the campaign will encourage you to continue to follow a plastic diet of your own. You can always come back to our website and keep reminding yourself of the reasons why living a life with less plastic is better both for the environment and your health!