In 6-8 November “Think before you buy” Lithuanian team participated in “Ekologika”, a specialised fair for ecological products and services, that was organised for the  first time in Lithuania. 15 000 visitors visited exhibition during those days. The team (Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania) was one of the main partners of the event and had variety of activities during those 3 days.


All three days the team provided information about hazardous substances in the stand. The stand was decorated with project posters. Visitors had a possibility to sign self-commitment  to choose safer products. 19 signatures were received.


The team also demonstrated project publications and gave small cards with the information about hazardous substances in cosmetics and home chemicals.


More than 600 students attended special lectures about nano particles and hazardous substances is household chemicals. Children had a possibility to answer some questions and win prizes.


A special game called “Eco-label labyrynth” received hugs visitors’ attention.

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2 discutions “Is it possible to build a house with ought hazardous substances?” and “Why it is important to pay attention to the product composition?” with plenty of speakers (builder, doctor, professor, alternative product producers, famous singers and simple citizens) were held.


Chemical expert Laura with colleagues made also short presentations time to time for the public.


The team also organised a “film corner”. All project and other related-to-the-topic films were showed repeatedly.