Hazardous substances was a hot topic in Pärnu during the first week of April. Pärnu is city located in the South-West of Estonia, on the shores of the Baltic Sea. On 5th of April representatives of cleaning services of that region were invited to a training on hazardous substances in cleaning products. The aim was to talk how to make safer choices when it comes to cleaning products and to introduce environmental criteria of green procurement related to detergents. Also, project NonHazCity and its possibilities for voluntary cooperation were introduced.

Sigrit Kasemets from Pärnu City Government introducing the project NonHazCity
After the presentations by Sigrit Kasemets from Pärnu City Government and Heli Nõmmsalu from Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia, there was round reflection about using hazardous substances by participating companies. Majority of the companies have already tackled the issue and find it important. The companies that have not yet thought about hazardous substances in their cleaning products promised to take a close look at the ingredients and possible hazardous substances as soon as possible.
Three days later, on 8th of April Pärnu City was celebrating its 766th anniversary. For the occasion streets of the city were crowded with people, both locals and visitors. All wanting to take part of events that were held on that day. Among dozens of other events, there were lectures, workshops and games for children in Pernova Nature House. Also, lecture on hazardous substances in our everyday products was held. Meant for people interested in how to recognize hazardous substances and how to prevent negative effect those chemicals may cause to health and environment.

Kai Klein from Baltic Environmental Forum talking about hazardous substances that could be found it everyday products (Photo: Ülari Tuisk)
Almost 30 people listening for the lecture were quite well informed that there might be hazardous substances in products we use all the time – cosmetics, toys, renovation and building materials, household chemicals etc. Lecturer, an environmental expert from Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia, Kai Klein said that she was positively surprised to see such big audience interested in the topic. Furthermore, she was glad to point out that people become more and more aware of the problem.
Can definitely say that Pärnu is a right place to promote the idea: “Safer products, cleaner cities!” It actually matters to people.