Project NonHazCity will be implemented in 12 municipalities from 8 countries after a sub-project in Belarus gets approved. The sub-project Bel-NonHazCity is financed by Swedish Institute for the duration period from 1st of February 2017 until the end of January 2019.

NonHazCity aims to demonstrate the possibilities to reduce emissions of priority hazardous substances from small scale emitters – such as households, small and medium size enterprises – that cannot be reached by traditional enforcement techniques.

Project activities will be now additionally carried out in two Belorussian municipalities. Vileyka district is located 100 km northwest of Minsk and has a population of 48 102. Ivye district is home for 24 036 people.

New project partner IPO “EcoPartnership” is based in Minsk, Belarus. It was founded in 2000 with a goal to address environmental issues.